Sunday, December 11, 2011

our obsession..

Rika and I (aka darth vader and obiwan... you decide which is who) along with our good friend Maddie (doesn't quite fit into the starwars category, but I guess you could call her mace windu) have become slightly obsessed with youtube videos. due to some language issues, we couldn't put up maddies favorites (she speaks french you see)... but, here are some great ones. if you know me, hopefully you have seen them already.

andd there you have it.

p.s. considering vlogging? thoughts?
I think Rika should have one with me as guest sometimes.. yeahh.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

You know....a funny post

It's time, I think, to post something hilarious.
I had totally forgotten about this movie until a facebook friend posted something about it.
Just watch, I watched the whole movie, you can watch a trailer.

Once upon a time,
There was a brother in-law,
that showed the Lauts family
worst acting ever.

Don't be too judgmental against this pic.....just watch ;)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

say whaaaa.


just watch this and you will understand us.

This is Jessica and Rika now. We party like there is not a next week. We may, or may not, have news for you sometimes. So check this out. (I will give something special to who can figure out what that man ^ is saying). We decided to Co-op this blog. hehehe. have fun.

So basically....this man is the love of our lives...okay.  Not really.  He is the biggest creeper on the planet.  Watch his hands whilst playing the piano.  And listen to his feet.  Oh yes....his feet. 

The real meaning of this blog is to share with the world what we find hilarious. Or... hang on, awkward.

Jess and Rika. :]